REVIEW: Corbett’s House of Horrors proves to be a disappointment

Employees and actors prepare the park’s opening before 7 p.m.

By Rayan Tilmatine, Staff–

Halloween is just around the corner and it is starting to look a bit more festive. Candy packages are being sold, students are getting dressed in their costumes and people are going to pumpkin patches and corn mazes.

This year is the grand opening of Davis’ Corbett’s House of Horrors Fear Farm. The corn maze consists of three attractions: Scarecrow Corntrail, Carn-Evil and Zombie Attack.

Scarecrow Corntrail was its haunted corn maze and, frankly, it is lacking in the haunting department. The majority of the maze was a stroll. No fear there. The people hiding in the maze were easily spotted, ruining the point of the maze.

Carn-Evil is a maze-like structure with different types of props and colors. It was meant to have clowns jumping out and startling maze-goers.

The biggest issue with the Carn-Evil attraction is the fact that 3D glasses must be worn, making it impossible to see what is happening around you and difficult to navigate the maze. There was a bigger fear of getting lost than getting scared.

Finally, the Zombie Attack. This is an attraction where people board the back of a truck and drive through a cornfield while shooting at oncoming zombies with paintball guns. Though this is an appealing attraction for all ages, it does not relate to the scary theme the park was trying to install.

Considering the mediocre attractions, the ticket cost is quite high. To go through both Carn-Evil and the Scarecrow Trail as often as you would like, the ticket costs $40, but the lines for these attractions are usually long, so they offer a ticket for the faster line which costs $50 per ticket. This excludes the Zombie Attack attraction, which is another $25.

The experience was uninspiring and the pricing for the tickets was absurd. If a family is looking to bring their kids to a place to get them into the holiday spirit, it should not be here.

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