OPINION: Teachers should support student activism

PHOTO: Crowds of people march at the 2019 feminism rally in Sacramento at the state capitol.

By Morgan Kong,

BlueDevilHUB.com Staff–

Being so close to the state capitol, it’s inevitable that students at Davis High would want to take part in the activism for movements surrounding modern society. 

These movements include: the walkout for President Trump’s election, the walkout for gun safety at schools and countless rallies in Sacramento that are just a car ride away. 

DHS students also spoke out and participated in a global climate change walkout to oppose global warming on Sept. 14.

Teachers have a wide range of policies on student walkouts. They may allow students to make up missed assignments or tests. Others will continue with their lesson plan and allow students to take responsibility for the time they have missed. 

Participation in government is a value that Americans hold near and dear, and teachers can help foster an interest in politics or news by encouraging students who want to become politically active at a young age.

Teachers’ goals are to educate students and provide them with a safe learning environment. Although student walkouts can disrupt learning, education is not always a top priority and students should be allowed to take a couple hours out of their day to be politically active. 

That’s not to say that education is not important, but when students grow up, missing some school is not the reason that they won’t get a job, and Americans will exercise government participation throughout their life. 

While walkouts should take place, they should not disrupt learning time for those who choose to stay in school. There shouldn’t be any repercussions beyond absences for students who do want to support a cause, it is the student’s choice to miss school. 

If a student knows that he or she has an important test or essay difficult to make up, it isn’t the teacher’s responsibility to cater to the student.

While leniency from a teacher would be welcome, students who want to participate in a walkout should make up work on their own time, or work ahead so they won’t fall behind. Being in a walkout is like missing school for personal absence like Walker Creek, field trip or family vacation. 

There are students that will participate in walkouts who simply do not want to be in school. They decide to leave school, or go to the walkout so they don’t have to go to class or to miss a test that they haven’t studied for.

However, these students are likely more prone to be ditching school anyway. At least if students are leaving during a walkout, they will be supporting a good cause.

In summary, teachers should support students for being activists and advocating for causes that they feel passionate about.

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