Grandma Club shares love of traditional hobbies

GMA clubBy Meem Mohsin,

HUB Staff Writer–

Davis High presents new clubs each year, but this year, a unique and fun club was created by Sarah Norris and Anna Perry. The Grandma Club consists of doing all the “grandma type activities,” such as baking cookies and knitting.  The club meets every other Tuesday at room L-20.

Senior Sarah Norris is the president of Grandma Club and junior Anna Perry is the co-president. “We both loved to do things like knit and bake so we would jokingly say we were grandmas,” Norris said.

Last year, Norris attempted to start the club and decided to call it the “knitting club.” “I failed to get enough people who wanted to join so this year, we expanded our reach a bit and now we are an official Davis High club,” Norris said. At every meeting, 10-15 club members are usually present.

“We start every meeting by handing out homemade treats that either Anna or I make. The club members are encouraged to bring food in as well. After that, we talk about upcoming events or any ‘grandma-y’ projects that anyone is working on,” Norris said.

Perry states that she and Norris came up with the idea to start a grandma club last summer. “I like being in the club because it allows us to share our love of knitting and baking super delicious food,” Perry said.

“Since our club is relatively small, all we really do is eat food. However, my responsibilities are pretty small as a co-president. Sarah and I basically do the same things; we decide on dates for meeting, bring in food, and try to organize events,” Perry said.

Senior Jenna Arciero is a member of Grandma Club. She chose to be in the club to be around people who enjoy doing the same activities she does in her free time. According to Arciero, activities like knitting and sewing are not very popular activities among the teen generation, which is why it is nice to have a group dedicated to just that.

“I participate by going to club meetings and sharing the projects that I have been working on. The club presidents create a great atmosphere for members to feel comfortable sharing their ideas as well as some of their baked goods,” Arciero said.

Arciero enjoys being in Grandma Club because it inspires her to continue on cooking, knitting and also trying new things such as crocheting. “We are able to embrace our grandma ways in a community of like-minded people,” Arciero said.


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