Annual Mole Day celebration cancelled

The MPR at North Davis Elementary, the area that the famous Mole Day celebration would normally take place, remains empty on Oct. 23 at 6:02 a.m.
The MPR at North Davis Elementary, the area that the famous Mole Day celebration would normally take place, remains empty on Oct. 23 at 6:02 a.m.

By Nathan Woo, Editor–

This year Mole Day was cancelled for chemistry students at Davis High. Mole Day takes place on Oct. 23 at 6:02 a.m. in honor of Avogadro’s number, 6.02 x 1023, and is normally celebrated with food, skits, songs, art projects and other performances.

This year Mole Day did not take place, however, due to the difficulties relating to the nonexistent MPR.

“We’ve used the MPR at Holmes Jr. High, we’ve used the MPR at North Davis Elementary, but none of those are perfect, so that is one of the difficulties we have with this day,” Chemistry teacher Wayne Raymond said.

Mole Day is normally a time to celebrate the mole with quirky projects so that students may earn extra credit.

“We eat food, and the students present their projects or skits or songs and we just have a good time,” Raymond said.

Raymond normally encourages students to do a performance relating to science.

“Some students get really into it and they make movies or DVDs or something like that, and sometimes they are very amusing. There are some good songs, from really high quality musicians that have produced some really funny songs,” Raymond said.

Mole day is not just a day to have fun and eat food, but it is an integral part of science that constitutes celebration.

“[The mole] is one of the seven fundamental quantities of science. It is an important thing, an important quantity in science,” Raymond said.

Raymond believes that mole day is an important day for students because it allows them to have fun and share their other skills.

“It’s kind of nice because some of the kids that perform at mole day are not the ones that do the best on the test, but they have other skills, so it gives them the chance to shine in the class,” Raymond said.

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