Op-Ed: Sparks ignite over parking spots

The increase of staff only parking spaces makes parking for students more difficult.
The increase of staff only parking spaces makes parking for students more difficult, but there are ways to get around that.

By McKenzie Barlow,

HUB Staff Writer–
Parking can be a nightmare at the high school if you don’t plan ahead and get out the door on time. Around 7:35 a.m., cars line up to enter the already packed parking lots. Finding a parking spot is just another stressful part of every school day, but not for everybody.

This stress built up when rumors circled earlier this year that new parking spaces designated as “staff only” spots were added to the parking lots around the high school. However, the only major change is that staff spots were moved up a row.

According to administration, this change was made in an attempt to lessen the traffic within the lot next to the North Gym.

Many students who still believe the rumors use this as an excuse to be late to first period. This is no excuse.

There are many ways to get to class on time. Just carpool with your neighbor, ride that bike you have stored in the garage or if you live close enough, just walk. Yes, walk.

If you have time to post complaints on Facebook about the change in staff spots, then you surely have time to get to bed early and head to school earlier.

I know that stomach-sinking feeling of driving around the curve to see the endless line of cars as they file into the parking lot. I try to keep from reliving that nightmare by getting to school early, and you should too.

So if a “Staff Only” spot took over your usual parking spot that you’ve grown to love over the years, it’s probably not as big of a deal as you think. Just watch out for the new drivers and take precautions to make sure you secure that spot.


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